If You Read Only One Thing I Write …

Good news

There will be no more death, sadness, crying, or pain,
because all the old ways are gone.

This is how I get through the day. Every day. It’s a picture of the future that I am grateful to have been given when I was a kid. If you’ve never heard it, or you need to hear it again, here it is:

There will be no more death, sadness, crying, or pain,
because all the old ways are gone.

I hope it gets you through this day and this life. If you’re like me, you’re sick and tired of death, sadness, crying, and pain.

Jesus’s best friend wrote it. It’s something he heard when he was given a picture of our future. It’s forever recorded in the scripture designated as Revelation 21:4. If you want to know a little more about what it means and how it can be true, read the other sentences around it. If you want to know a lot more about what it means and how it can be true, read the whole book. I also encourage you to stay tuned to this site, as I tend to harp on this relief-giving promise.

The best thing about the future isn’t advanced technology or medical breakthroughs or getting further down the path of social evolution. It’s this:

There will be no more death, sadness, crying, or pain,
because all the old ways are gone.

Tomorrow we’ll be even closer. Hold on.

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